We are a community of believers united in Jesus Christ,
growing together and serving God & others in love.
growing together and serving God & others in love.
THE GROVE brings to mind an image of a large stand of mature, fruit-bearing trees - an image that reminds us of the illustration that Jesus gave us in John 15 to explain what the Christian life should look like. That is our vision. We want everyone who is part of this community of believers to be firmly rooted in Christ so they too "bear fruit."
Jesus Is Our Why
Jesus gave us purpose, so now He is our mission. Everything we do stems from the freedom we have in Christ. We teach daily investments to create an eternal relationship with Jesus. We bare the responsibility to make Him known.
We Are Family
Come as you are. Everyone is welcome in the family. God create us to function as one and when we put ourselves aside to join the collective movement of God, we are unstoppable for God. We cannot be for the One, or reach the one, until we are one.
We Get To Serve
Our faith is active and we serve knowing our gifts were given to bring growth in both ourselves and the kingdom. We serve to be the reflection of Jesus. No matter the task, big or small, we count it a privilege to serve. Taking care of this house & the people in it makes it our home.
Our Heart Loves
If the people are not going to come to us, then we must go to the people. We are willing to overcome any obstacle, inconvenience, or sacrifice to deliver love. We unapologetically make any effort possible to reach the one. Our heart loves our city, nation, and world.
Worship Is Our Way
We were created to praise and so we clothe ourselves in a lifestyle of worship. Worship is communion with God in which believers, by grace, center their minds’ attention and hearts’ affection on the Lord, humbly glorifying God in response to His greatness. We worship God through acts of praise & surrender together through song, prayer, and words of thanksgiving. We also worship God through acts of love that show the supreme value of God by what we are willing to sacrifice for the good of others. This is lived out in our daily lives, not just on Sunday mornings in a church service.
We are Pursuers of the Presence
The Holy Spirit brings life into the Church. We pursue the presence of God by inviting the Holy Spirit to create, cultivate, and carry an environment of encounters for us to connect with God. We follow the Spirit to catch a glimpse of God.
We are Givers Not Getters
We believe it is better to give than to get. Aiming to model the same generosity Jesus exemplifies, we take great joy in the sacrifice of giving more than expected. When we ware generous with our time, talents, & treasures, the Kingdom advances.
This is Just the Start
God has done the impossible and we continue to grow in passion for the vision He births inside of us. With listening ears and open hearts, we will continue to climb higher than ever before. We don't know what will come next, but we do know that this is just the start.
Jesus gave us purpose, so now He is our mission. Everything we do stems from the freedom we have in Christ. We teach daily investments to create an eternal relationship with Jesus. We bare the responsibility to make Him known.
We Are Family
Come as you are. Everyone is welcome in the family. God create us to function as one and when we put ourselves aside to join the collective movement of God, we are unstoppable for God. We cannot be for the One, or reach the one, until we are one.
We Get To Serve
Our faith is active and we serve knowing our gifts were given to bring growth in both ourselves and the kingdom. We serve to be the reflection of Jesus. No matter the task, big or small, we count it a privilege to serve. Taking care of this house & the people in it makes it our home.
Our Heart Loves
If the people are not going to come to us, then we must go to the people. We are willing to overcome any obstacle, inconvenience, or sacrifice to deliver love. We unapologetically make any effort possible to reach the one. Our heart loves our city, nation, and world.
Worship Is Our Way
We were created to praise and so we clothe ourselves in a lifestyle of worship. Worship is communion with God in which believers, by grace, center their minds’ attention and hearts’ affection on the Lord, humbly glorifying God in response to His greatness. We worship God through acts of praise & surrender together through song, prayer, and words of thanksgiving. We also worship God through acts of love that show the supreme value of God by what we are willing to sacrifice for the good of others. This is lived out in our daily lives, not just on Sunday mornings in a church service.
We are Pursuers of the Presence
The Holy Spirit brings life into the Church. We pursue the presence of God by inviting the Holy Spirit to create, cultivate, and carry an environment of encounters for us to connect with God. We follow the Spirit to catch a glimpse of God.
We are Givers Not Getters
We believe it is better to give than to get. Aiming to model the same generosity Jesus exemplifies, we take great joy in the sacrifice of giving more than expected. When we ware generous with our time, talents, & treasures, the Kingdom advances.
This is Just the Start
God has done the impossible and we continue to grow in passion for the vision He births inside of us. With listening ears and open hearts, we will continue to climb higher than ever before. We don't know what will come next, but we do know that this is just the start.