Our desire is that you would know that you belong from the moment you walk through the doors - that you will know that you have found a community where you can ask the messy questions, be honest about life's struggles, and discover who Jesus really is.

3815 S. Morey Rd, Lake City, MI
(infants<2 years),
Preschool ministries
(ages 2&3 and 4&5),
& Kids' Church
(Kinder-5th grades)
are all available during both
Sunday Gatherings
9:00 AM & 11:00 AM
effective 11/17/24
3815 S. Morey Rd, Lake City, MI
(infants<2 years),
Preschool ministries
(ages 2&3 and 4&5),
& Kids' Church
(Kinder-5th grades)
are all available during both
Sunday Gatherings
9:00 AM & 11:00 AM
effective 11/17/24

Our Sunday gatherings reflect the heart of who we are -
you'll find Spirit-led worship, a practical
and heart-reaching message anchored in the Bible,
and an authentic community of believers seeking
connection with God and the answers only He can provide.
We take our faith seriously,
but all this happens in a comfortable and fun
environment for adults, youth and children alike.
Come as you are - we don't play favorites!
You are welcome at The Grove.
We all need a community - where we are seen and known and loved.
Are you interested in learning more about The Grove?
Click below. |
God loves you where you are, but He doesn't want to leave you there.
When you know the love of God, you find ways to show others.