We all need prayer. Prayer is powerful.
Prayer is not only a way for us to communicate & build a relationship with God, but it is also a way for us to participate with the Holy Spirit. God wants to hear from you - He wants you to talk to Him about every little thing. There are over 850 references to prayer throughout Scripture. This shows us just how important prayer is to God. It needs to be important to us too. We believe that prayer is a crucial part of a life of a believer in Jesus Christ and we urge you to begin this practice.
FACEBOOK LIVE PRAYER: We gather as a church body on Thursday evenings at 7PM for prayer LIVE on our Facebook Page. We would love to have you join us! AND you can always fill out the form below to ask for prayer at any time!
FACEBOOK LIVE PRAYER: We gather as a church body on Thursday evenings at 7PM for prayer LIVE on our Facebook Page. We would love to have you join us! AND you can always fill out the form below to ask for prayer at any time!
EVERY prayer request is brought before God by our staff & prayer team. You can also mark your request to be shared with the entire church body OR mark it as confidential.